Vilasrao Deshmukh

"Vilasrao Deshmukh is the Chief Minister (CM) of Maharashtra, the government of Mumbai. Vilasrao Deshmukh visited the Taj Mahal Hotel Mumbai after it was cleared by NSG. Vilasrao Deshmukh went to the battle ground of terrorism with Ram Gopal Verma, a famous film director. Ritesh Deshmukh, the actor son of the CM, Vilasrao Deshmukh was also present during this “Terrorism Disaster” tour of the carnage."
Hundreds of people died and it seemed to them that "wow!! we can make so many new movies on this.." isnt it?? if not then why the hell a film maker who is expert in creating such kind of movies was being allowed to visit taj hotel with cm and all?? if you were really willing to feel how it must have been then you would havevisited it at the time time of terror strike .. at least not with the commandoes then with the reporter.But no.. you were relaxing at your homeds that time thinking the new names of the movies that you will be producing this time with "ritesh".
After the blasts the cm resigned. No its not needed Mr Ex C.M. if you really feel that you were responsible then feel it and take necessary steps to the people who were responsible to stop these things among with you and also REMOVE YOUR VIP SECURITY. But you will not do this. You have been so selfish. Thinking for yourself only. either it was telgi case orr mumbai blasts.
Shame on you.Never Ever show your face again. You shameless!!!
Sorry india. i have selected such people to lead and rule over you.
He should be jailed with kasab[the caught terrorist] and should be treated equally. bucause kasab killed avg 1/10 of total people but deshmukh is reponsible for the death of all


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