"Vilasrao Deshmukh is the Chief Minister (CM) of Maharashtra, the government of Mumbai. Vilasrao Deshmukh visited the Taj Mahal Hotel Mumbai after it was cleared by NSG. Vilasrao Deshmukh went to the battle ground of terrorism with Ram Gopal Verma, a famous film director. Ritesh Deshmukh, the actor son of the CM, Vilasrao Deshmukh was also present during this “Terrorism Disaster” tour of the carnage."
Hundreds of people died and it seemed to them that "wow!! we can make so many new movies on this.." isnt it?? if not then why the hell a film maker who is expert in creating such kind of movies was being allowed to visit taj hotel with cm and all?? if you were really willing to feel how it must have been then you would havevisited it at the time time of terror strike .. at least not with the commandoes then with the reporter.But no.. you were relaxing at your homeds that time thinking the new names of the movies that you will be producing this time with "ritesh".
After the blasts the cm resigned. No its not needed Mr Ex C.M. if you really feel that you were responsible then feel it and take necessary steps to the people who were responsible to stop these things among with you and also REMOVE YOUR VIP SECURITY. But you will not do this. You have been so selfish. Thinking for yourself only. either it was telgi case orr mumbai blasts.
Shame on you.Never Ever show your face again. You shameless!!!
Sorry india. i have selected such people to lead and rule over you.
He should be jailed with kasab[the caught terrorist] and should be treated equally. bucause kasab killed avg 1/10 of total people but deshmukh is reponsible for the death of all

In the list of shameless indian politician i would like to include the name of poltician because of whom India faced One general election which caused too much extra burden on indian economy. The story was likethis.
General elections were held in India in 1998,after the government elected in 1996 collapsed and the 12th Lok Sabha was convened . The outcome of the new elections was also indecisive, with no party or alliance able to create a strong majority. Although the BJP's Atal Bihari Vajpayee retained his position of Prime Minister leading a bloc of 286 seats, the government collapsed again in late 1998 when the AIADMK withdrew their support, leading to new elections in 1999. All that was needed to save the government was a single vote of support that it fell short which resulted in re election in india. Till here everything seemed o.K. but the real story began after that. After Re election BJP led govt again came to power and to my surprise the man who didnt supported it last time.. supported this time.. yes.. ram vilas paswas.. what the hell.. if you were willing to support then you would have supported it at the time of no trust motion itself. but no.. You are "thali ka baigan" .."bin pendi ka lota" you will move towards the ruling party.. no matter which government is in power ram vilas make sure that he gets ANY ministry..
I am not lying even a single word. You can check his hostory.. he is a minister continuously .. sometime telecomm,,railways or coal or whatever.. he will be the minister..
Now next year we are again goin to face elections and i am sure .. he will be minister again no matter which party is in centre. A man who needs cheap publicity at any cost.. in last elections in bihar he showed that quality only and because of his "nautanki" re election taken place and after 15 years of "jungle raj" bihar people got a new educated,civil engineer C.M, Nitish .
Shame on you Ram vilas paswan. you are so selfish that you always think for yourself and not for the people of this country.. Sorry india, we have created "leader" like him to rule.

"If it had not been (Major) Sandeep's house, not even a dog would have visited the house" This was the comment Kerala CM V.S. Achuthanandan made after his visit to the Martyr Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan's house at Bangalore
This remark was made by the current C.M. Of Kerala because he was not allowed to Major Sandeep's house who gave his life for saving the people from terrorists in recent Mumbai Attacks. Shame on you Mr achuthanandan and i guess you have the same"respect" for India and its people.The octogenarian Communist Party of India-Marxist leader was turned away from the Bangalore home of Sandeep, a Keralite, on Sunday for what K Unnikrishnan perceived as Kerala government ignoring his son's supreme sacrifice by not making a condolence call in time. 'He (Sandeep's father) says that the Kerala chief minister did not come whereas the Karnataka chief minister came in the morning itself, and that Kerala has ignored him.And i think he was absolutely right. All these shameless politicians wants is publicity..anyhow!! i cannot call them with bad words because i am not able to find a suitable one for people like achuthanandan.
Later he said "sorry" for this incident. What the hell is this.. sorry.. keep your sorry with you . we know exactly what kind of person you are, Shame Shame!!! You you have even little respect for India and its people you should leave politics and spend yor life serving mankind in Missionary Of Charity.
Sorry India.. I have created leaders like this who has no respect for you. And i am responsible for making such person our "Leader". Shameless achuthanandan..

They were sitting in gandhi maidaan, in patna, on Republic Day 2003. National Anthem was being sung there. All people were standing except these two.

This shows the kind of respect these shameless people have for India and its people.Even kids were standing but these shameless couple remained sitting without even bothering what was happening there. Arethese people uneducated?? no ... not at all. [as claimed]. The male person shown in the above pic is Laloo Prasad Yadav who is Rail Minister and the lady is Rabari devi who was Chief Minister Of Bihar that time.

What an example shown by this couple who are parent of 9 children [yeah..3/4 of a dozen]. Actually i was not at all shocked by this act because i was not expecting anything better than this from such people. I sometime feel bad for my country because such people are "leaders" of India. This is not he only incident of shamelessness by this couple. I will be posting more incidents. Keep reading :-)

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